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Heartland Crime Stoppers

Reynolds Road Lakeland: Porch Pirate

Jan 13, 2022
Media Contact : Alicia Manautou, PIO

The Polk County Sheriff's Office is looking for this porch pirate (pictured in this video) who stole a package from a home in the Reynolds Road (Lakeland) area sometime during the morning of January 13, 2022. 

Neighbors said they saw the suspect grab the package and then get into a small, gray sedan driven by a blonde-haired woman. At first they thought the two may have been family members of the homeowner. 

If you recognize this suspect, or have any other information concerning this crime, please contact Deputy Kelley at 863-499-2400 (Case #22-2309).

If you wish to remain anonymous, you can contact Heartland Crime Stoppers:
* Call 1-800-226 TIPS (8477)
* From your cell phone, dial **TIPS
* Or visit the website and click on "Submit A Tip," 
* Or download the free "P3tips" app on your smartphone or tablet. 

You will always remain anonymous when you send a tip through Crime Stoppers and you are eligible for a cash reward if your information leads to an arrest.