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Polk County Sheriff’s Phone# 863-298-6200
If in an emergency Dial 911
The Polk County Sheriff's Office is investigating a package theft, and the young woman you see here is the suspect who needs to be identified.
The package was stolen from a residence from the mammal neighborhood (if you know, you know) off Poinciana just off of Palmetto Street.
The suspect was captured on video surveilance taking the package on January 7th at about 2:06 PM.
A possible clue to the suspect's identity is that she was wearing an Future Farmers of America t-shirt.
If you recognize the woman, please contact Detective Godwin at 863-236-3925 (Case 22-1204).
If you wish to remain anonymous, you can contact Heartland Crime Stoppers:
* Call 1-800-226 TIPS (8477)
* From your cell phone, dial **TIPS
* Or visit the website and click on "Submit A Tip,"
* Or download the free "P3tips" app on your smartphone or tablet.
You will always remain anonymous when you send a tip through Crime Stoppers and you are eligible for a cash reward if your information leads to an arrest.