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Polk County Sheriff’s Phone# 863-298-6200
If in an emergency Dial 911
The Polk County Sheriff's Office is investigating a series of burglaries in the Sundance neighborhood in Mulberry (just off of Shepherd Road), which occurred during the early morning hours of Saturday, May 21st. One vehicle was also stolen (and recovered).
At least three suspects are known to have participated, and it appears they used a gold colored Ford Expedition for their transportation.
If you have any information regarding these crimes, please contact Detective Hannon at (Case #22-21971).
To remain anonymous, contact Heartland Crime Stoppers in one of four ways:
CALL 1-800-226 TIPS (8477)
DIAL **TIPS from your cell phone
VISIT the website and click on "Submit A Tip,"
DOWNLOAD the free "P3tips" app on your smartphone or tablet.
You will always remain anonymous and you may be eligible for a cash reward if your information leads to an arrest.
CLICK HERE to watch the video of this crime as Sheriff Judd talks about the case.