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Polk County Sheriff’s Phone# 863-298-6200
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Welcome to the Polk County Sheriff's Office Website. We are happy to provide this site as a resource for use by members of the Polk County Sheriff's Office, the media, and the public. By following us on the Internet, you can help make Polk County a safer place to live from the comfort of your living room. Check in often. And, if you need us - call us. We will always answer the call.
Detectives from the Polk County Sheriff's Office are trying to identify the man in these photos, as part of their investigation of a retail theft that occurred on May 8th at the Tractor Supply store (6945 US 98 North, Lakeland).
During the theft, merchandise valued at about $165 was stolen.
If you have any information regarding this case, please contact Detective Comella at 863-577-1600 or
If you wish to remain anonymous AND be eligible for a reward, contact Heartland Crime Stoppers in one of four ways:
• CALL 1-888-400 TIPS (8477)
• DIAL **TIPS from your cell phone
• VISIT and click on "Submit A Tip,"
• DOWNLOAD the free "P3tips" app on your smartphone or tablet